6 | Edizioni GRIBAUDO - Illustrati - Motori - The Early Years |
ILLUSTRATI Motori Icons of the Century Motori The Early Years Varia |
AVIATION The Early Years - Chronicles the first years of manpowered flight in photographs, from the end last century to the era of the great Zeppelins. Within the space of a few years at the turn of the 20th century the world shrank. Vast distances were traversed by air, technology raced ahead and whole new concepts of human acti [..] KONEMANN - 2001 pp. 352 formato 29,5x26 cartonato con sovracoperta colori 23.90 € 9783833125607 |
LINERS The Golden Age - chronicles the great era of ocean liner travel from the close of the nineteenth century to the launch of the QE2 and beyond. In an age when a sea voyage stood for adventure, escape, and for some the prospect of a new life in a strange land, ocean liners with their glamour and prestige more than captured [..] KONEMANN - 1999 pp. 352 formato 29x25,5 cartonato con sovracoperta colori 23.90 € 9783833126192 |
CARS The Early Years - In January 1886. Karl Benz patented his Motorwagen, the world's first practical automobile, and during that same year he proved that it worked. From Germany, the motor car spread to France, Britain, around Europe and, in the early 1890s, to America. Born in a time of great technological innovation [..] KONEMANN - 2000 pp. 352 formato 29x25,5 cartonato con sovracoperta colori 23.90 € 9783833113536 |
MOTOR RACING The early years - Motor racing has always had the capacity to create memorable stories and images. From the earliest days of motoring, car manufacturers used motor sport as proving ground for their machines, but the sport earned an image far beyond that of a mere engineering laboratory. Even before the 2oth century dawned [..] KONEMANN - 2001 pp. 352 formato 29,5x26 cartonato con sovracoperta colori 23.90 € 9783833113543 |
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