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cataloghi novità - Piemonte - Monferrato - Asticataloghi editorischede autorinotizie2022 Promozioni
Alcune proposte
La provincia di ALESSANDRIA vista dal cielo



Un viaggio emozionante sopra le città, una visione globale di una provincia, fatta di panorami, centri abitati, strade, campi e soprattutto persone.

Un documento che regala un ritratto di 190 comuni ripresi nell’arco di un anno, che aiuta a capire l’evoluzione del territorio in oltre due millenni di storia.

La provincia di Alessandria vista dal cielo permette di volare con l’immaginazione su luoghi difficilmente accessibili, vedere le città da una prospettiva inusuale e privilegiata, capire come e perché si sono sviluppati gli insediamenti urbani ed ammirare i meravigliosi colori della natura a cavallo tra gli Appennini e la Pianura Padana.

Un’esperienza unica che Vi farà volare attraverso lo spazio e il tempo.

Ideale come memoria della provincia, come strumento per conoscere un bellissimo territorio.

Il libro è diviso in sei capitoli, dedicati ai principali centri della provincia e ai paesi del loro circondario:

I Alessandrino
II Acquese 
III Casalese 
IV Novese 
V Ovadese 
VI Tortonese

Ogni sezione comprende una trattazione dettagliata dei principali centri e almeno una foto per ogni singolo comune. Particolare attenzione è stata dedicata a rendere i panorami e le tipicità della provincia, come i laghi i parchi, i castelli e i vigneti.


This book. which I do not hesitate to classify as absolutely enthralling, derives from a combination of the author's two greatest passions, flying and photography. Two passions that are, in fact. shared by the author and he who has been granted the privilege of writing these few lines that almost always accompany a good book.
The first signs of interest shown on the draft of "La Provincia di Alessandria vista dal cielo" translated as sky view of the Province of Alessandria' originates from my academic past as geographer. even before I took interest in political science. Looking down on Earth from the sky, at a distance where it is possible to appreciate both the natural characteristics and human activities. has always fascinated me. Geography is a discipline which is closely connected to images through which we can appreciate the logic, laws of nature and human adaptation.
Observing the spaces offered by nature and cities from the sky. is a fascinating way of spying on our Iand and our habitat It is also a way of studying and understanding ourselves. our activities and nealizing how much progres has been made. expanding and consolidating social and economic activities.
Road layouts. natural relief. the search for water and its integration within urban activities. and many other large and small scale details. We actualty turn a photo from the sky into a precious document of study A tiny piece of a mosaic which is enlarged to offer the reader a completely new view on the world and the society in which we live.
Fabio Polosa's book is just that: a great, rich mosaic! What attracts us to the undeniable beauty of the photographs taken by this expert and the immense mine of information and details that is bound to grant the reader a view into one of the most beautiful Italian provinces.
The advice I give to readers, or at least those few who manage to refrain from diving into the superb pictures is to read the introduction carefully and to read the book twice.
The first quickly. like plunging. with the author, from the door of a small aircraft, enjoying the wonderful immediate. swift and surprising views and scenarios of valleys, forests. villages and endless red-tiled houses.
Then I suggest going back to start reading again from the first page, this time with the spirit of a young geographer concentrating on detail, lingering on the location of urban activities and their expansion. studying the land, its morphology. its flora and the number of its many small human activities.
This way. "A sky view on the Province of Alessandria" proves to have completely different connotations. turning from a picture book into a scientific manual. A handbook on which reading will take time. require patience, and will lead the reader to a more detailed analysis of the details that make up each and every image.
Fabio Polosa's book does however also possess additional value- It constitutes a worthy contribution to the very scarce production of books on aviation and activities which are linked to this subject.
Our country has never had great initiative for the production of works related this sector, thus transforming the area into a niche reserved to only a few enthusiasts. On the contrary, as proved by this precious book. the subject is not merely a matter of interest for few experts, but a large number of interested readers are requesting an increase in production and quality, the dissemination of art. science and generally more illustration.
Being an active promoter of aviation culture studies, I can only enumerate the merits of this book as one of the of the best on the subject. The combination of photography and flight is the product of an alchemic formula which can hardly be explained in words. With this book one can really take flight — excitingly breath-taking.
- Nicola Pedde -

Fabio Polosa - Fausto Parodi


edizione 2011
pagine 368
formato 25x35
cartonato con sovracoperta colori
tempo medio evasione ordine

49.00 €
49.00 €


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