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Regardless of how Horst Hamann collected this grab bag of vertical New Yorkers to come in off the street and do the implausible - close their eyes before a stranger in broad daylight - it is clear that the situation activated a sense of opportunity in some while inducing anxiety in others. One is sure she is being scammed; another believes this is her big chance. in the gap between these two attitudes, New York exists. "you see someone on the street," Diane Arbus once wrote, "and what you notice is the flaw." Horst Hamann is a very different New York photographer than Diane Arbus and a very different german photographer than August Sander. to him, there are no freaks and no types. He sees someone on the street, and gives you her goodness. These are not photographs of others. These are photographs of ourselves.

Roger Conover

Horst Hamann

VERTICAL NEW YORKERS - small edition

editore TENEUES
edizione 2006
pagine 168
formato 16x33
tempo medio evasione ordine
5 giorni

40.00 €
20.00 €

ISBN : 3-8327-9159-0
EAN : 9783832791599

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