An unforgettable journey in a sea of hills, spectacular vineyards and prestigious crus, picturesque historical towns, famous restaurants and hospitable farmhouses:
welcome to the Langhe of the great wines!
Barbaresco to start with, of course... And only the robust and fertile crests of these hills know how to "support the weight" of such a great, noble wine, which is as vigorous and passionate as the Autumn colours that light up the hillsides.
But next to the deep shades of red that gleam in a glass of Barbaresco, other colours and other nuances intervene to create the daily spectacle of the "Langhe of great wines". Because an entire world comes to the surface in that glass - but we are certainly not revealing anything new - a world of colours, flavours and emotions. And these is so much life - stories of men and of hard work, stories of people from the hills - that pours from the neck of the traditional "albeisa" bottle into the large tulipshaped glass...
Not only Barbaresco, as we said... because to remain on the topic of wine, there is also the sparkling poetry of Moscato, which is a warm, enveloping, soft yellow like the rays of the sun that slip along the vine rows. So balanced and perfect that many people have defined the "Asti Moscato" version as the best dessert wine in the world. Enjoy it with a slice of hazel-nut cake with 'zabajone' and you will immediately understand why... and you will also understand why wine and food is one of the strong points of these towns - certainly the best known and appreciated. There are numerous excellent interpreter of the traditional cuisine of the Langhe and here the average quality is such that we believe it is really difficult to eat badly... particularly if we add that the white Alba truffle is quite "at home" here...
The hills you never want to leave...
You are in a unique environment
analysis: Barbaresco
analysis: Langa houses
analysis: Asti and Moscato d'Asti
analysis: the towns remember...
analysis: the Paths
analysis: wildflowers
Wine cellars |

edizione 2012
pagine 112
formato 12x22
tempo medio evasione ordine 2 giorni
18.00 €
13.50 €
ISBN : 978-88-956282-3-3
EAN : 9788895628233