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cataloghi novità - Piemonte - Monferrato - Asticataloghi editorischede autorinotizie2022 Promozioni
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Since the invention of photography, no other tool has influenced art and culture as much as the computer has. Digital art first carne into existence in the 1960s, when scientists-and tater on artists as well-tried for the first time to create drawings by using a machine. Today, the computer is seen and used as a useful tool by many artists. Some of them have dedicated themselves to exploring the aesthetic and conceptual possibilities of the medium. This book was written for them. In it, we take a closer look at the different manifestations of digital art: prints, drawings, animations, installations, screen-based art and sculptures, art on the internet, and the ever-progressing software art. It is the art of our time, the art of the 21st century.


How can an artist be innovative and create something newe ;eri today? Hasn't everything been said and done before? If an artist wants to grapple with the new influences on our society, shouldn't he utilize a medium which is typical for today? So, which art form truly reflects the times in which we live?
If you deal with contemporary art, sooner or later you'll end up asking yourself this or a very similar question. Paintings and photos stili achieve premium prices in the art market-but are they really the sources of inspiration for today and tomorrow? Compared to other forms of artistic expression, the computer is a rather new tool and medium that has changed our culture and society like nothing else in the last couple of decades.
Digital art is multifaceted and surprising. It corresponds to our time. It is the medium of choice for innovative, dedicated artists, who walk down completely new paths, for example with internet or software art. This book is a credo for a fresh, new genre, which is still-unfairly-treated with a lot of scepticism. See for yourself!
I stumbled upon the fascination of digital art almost by chance. It wasn't in the context of the first big exhibition, "Cybernetic Serendipity," which I had missed, since I was stili way too young in 1968. No, it all started in 1987, on a beach in Florida, where I met an artist by the name of Laurence Gartel. He showed me his digital collages. I was familiar with contemporary art, but in the beginning, I faced computer art with the common misgivings that it is too cold and technoid, made by a machine.



What is Digital Art?
Digital Art in the News
Roots and Randomness-
a Perspective on the Beginnings of Digital Art

Computer Graphics
Plotter, Plots, and Plotting-Why?
The Collage as a Deliberate Stylistic Device

Animations and 3D in Art
Virtual Reality
The Whole World is a Stage.
Art on Virtual Platforms

Net Art
etoy-Corporate Identity on the Net

Software Art
My View
Low-Tech as a Means of Design-ASCII Art

Game Modifications: Computer Games Become Art
Net Art-Ten Years Later

Interactive Objects and Art in Public Space CAVE-a Virtual Environment
When Reality and Virtuality Become One
Media Facades-Light Sculptures in an Urban Environment

Digital Art in Art Museums!

Index of Persons
Thank you!
Picture credits/Imprint

Wolf Lieser


editore H.F. ULLMANN
edizione 2009
pagine 288
formato 15x16
tempo medio evasione ordine
5 giorni

14.95 €
10.00 €

ISBN : 978-3-8331-5338-9
EAN : 9783833153389

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