INTRODUCTION Car design is not so much about creating and industrial style as fulfilling dreams. In the first half of the twentieth century, cars were a luxury item and available to socety's élite. In the post-war era, cars became a popular consumer good. No product has had such a strong influence on socety as the automobile. Its importance is not only a result of its economic significance, but rather its social function. Cars connect people and places, they define how our world looks, they link private and public spheres: anyone who drives a car likes being on show, and he cannot - or perhaps does not want? - to be ignored. Cars boost the personality: I drive therefore I am. Cars also come in as many different shapes as people. The variety of car design proves it. This book reflects these designs, which will not only delight car fans. The focus is not so much on technology as on relation between people and cars, fashion and trends, cultures and designlanguages. For that reason, pictures fulfilan important role. The photographs are exclusively selected from original, historical materials. In some cases, the pictures are shown here for the first time. [..] |
400 pages, this reference work, published for the first time in this form,
offers a comprehensive and informative look at the development of European,
American, Japanese car design from 1947 to 2004. Past, present and future design trends are shown with examples of original photos from 370 series of vehicles and concept cars. A biographicals overview of leading, international car designers is included. INDEX Introduction design 48 - 59 specials 60s specials 70s specials 80s specials 90 - 04 specials designer editor copiright info |
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